Marmer ButterCake

Ingredients :

300gr butter (I mix margarine)
225gr refined sugar
8 egg yolks
5 egg whites. Beat until stiff
175gr key flour
25gr milk powder
2 Tbsp cocoa powder
A little salt and vanilla

How to:

1. Preheat the oven to 170'C. Spread the 24-inch diameter turban pan with butter and sprinkle flour. Set aside.

2. White butter + sugar + Vanilli mixer until thick white 15min.

3. Insert the eggs one by one. Give pause 1 minute each insert 1 egg yolk.

4. Change the lowest speed. Enter the flour sieve + milk and salt. Until it's flat.

5. Enter the beaten egg white gradually stirring folded with the spatula.

6. Take half the portion. Mix with cocoa powder that has been sifted until smooth.

7. Tilt the turban pan on the back. Pour 1 white spoonful. 1 spoonful of chocolate alternately until the dough runs out. When you snap the pan. the oven for 50 min. Until cooked.

8. Good luck

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